She had fallen asleep and forgot our appointment

Review by: AngryBird
Published: 1581818001000
Anmeldelse er tilgjengelig på følgende språk:


I called her and agreed for 3 hours from 2:00 to 5:00. I had to travel all the way from Norreport to Albertslund in the cold and rainy night and when I got there and I called - no reply. Next time she rejected my call. I wrote to her that I will give her bad review in the website and only then she replied back saying she fell asleep and she doesn't want me to visit now. I had to travel for an hour to get there and had to hear this? Why the hell did she accept if she wanted to sleep? Go at your own risk and don't be surprised to be turned down when you get there cos lil princess might want to sleep :@
I want to give negative rating for this one.

Did she live up to your expectations?


Comment to the rating

Wish I could give negative rating

Time and place of the experience

Albertslund 16th February

Tilbake Flere anmeldelser av Natalie (+6) Alle anmeldelser

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