I had a very difficult time climaxing

Review by: razorRamon
Published: 1520627270000
Anmeldelse er tilgjengelig på følgende språk:

Zehra Soylu

She greeted me in a very casual outfit and didn't look that good. We went straight to the bedroom and she started rushing me. She also told me the bed was broken. Despite the fact that she advertises as active and passive, she is passive only and has a small dick. She could not get hard the entire time. She didn't even give me a blowjob either. I had to penetrate her, and it was not pleasant, since she forbade me from using the bed. Overall, I had a very difficult time climaxing. I would suggest y'all to look elsewhere.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Not at all

Did you get anything not on the menu?


Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Yes. She couldn't get hard

Time and place of the experience

Amsterdam. February 2018

Tilbake Alle anmeldelser

N: 2

Zehra Soylu*)

Er i: Amsterdam, Nederland
Siste av 19 anmeldelser: Hott

Se profil
*) Zehra Soylu også kjent som: Zehra Lonshavt og Aria

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